วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

In Sync and In Health

Last month I presented three examples of synchronicity with jogging, running and racing. I suggested that you should run the kind of model you want for your business: the 'random' lone series of joggers in the park that are not synchronized, because they have no reason to decide the "pack" in the runners as they synchronize to chat and run, or race, where runners synchronize in silence, until one breaks and sprints. The random jogger "model seems too risky - who wants"Persons"? We call them loose cannon, maverick, not a team player. But I suggested that you suspend sentence. Perhaps it makes sense to include in their individuality, finally, are the random joggers, the best of themselves, as opposed to 'pack', which look like a team, but can, by definition, some people who perform in the framework to can allow for this, the 't run as fast. Strictly speaking, and looked through the lens of the department, the reality is that the "packaging" of waste containing more than"random" model.

Finally, there is the "race", an image that clicks emotionally with our concept of the aggressive pace of company life. But while it sounds good, the majority of the runners in the race spend their time watching each and pace themselves to ensure that they avoid burn-out before the last round.

The world of synchronization is one that has much to say to us, from an organizational point of view. The analogies above are primitive, but hopefully thought-provoking. Lessprimitive is Steven Strogatz's book, "Sync: The emerging science of spontaneous order" that my idea of jogging, but is also full of other stories. The new science, as he calls it, is fascinating. The biology is an endless source of mysterious synchronicity. Advanced computing and mathematics - Strogatz's home ground - then come to understand the attempt to the "laws", so far with little success. How is it, ideas in development - whether or not a science - the important questionsthan the answers.

Here are some examples. Crickets make noise when you sync, how can assert my Mediterranean roots. Why? Who is responsible? Who decides that instead of hundreds of random noise, only one? Who's the leader?

The brain has its own rhythms; neurons are synchronized, but how? Where is the neuron command center? Specialized cardiac muscle cells fire in sync (arrhythmias) and if a sync has problems, the whole body) is a problem (arrhythmia. As they come insync? There are no "core" or center, which dictates the synchronicity. Fireflies, and some fish are popular examples of Sync fans.

At the level of human behavior, which I think we could call raises "the confusion to a higher level," we synchronize, without even thinking about it. At the end of an orchestral performance in a large hall, clap their hands, hundreds of people
and creates a single synchronous noise. Can you imagine the scenario of out-of-sync, random clappingAt the end of a concert? But as we do, how we can synchronize so effortlessly? Traffic experts who are regular computer simulations aware that even a few cars on the motorway chaos when they synchronize, they can more easily) create similar "blocks" (the 'pack' do joggers.

They acknowledged the confusion even greater, we touch sociology - fashions. Why in the world, millions of people in the 1970s have played with a Rubik's Cube? Why a special kind of pants are worn byShanghai to Palermo? Who decides that?

Sociology cousin, the "science of social networks, has some of the statements, but not all. An interesting perspective on this is offered by the actor Alan Alda on a weblog or website. It suggests that if we could understand how fads in the world to flood, from jeans to junk food, from verbal remarks to "ideas", then we could reverse-engineer the process and learn the laws. Perhaps we might put them to good causes, for example, convincing millionsPeople to wear condoms to prevent the spread of HIV, or used in other preventive measures against disease.

Emerging Sciences

The interesting thing is that the answers are no longer with the individual disciplines. Sociology and biology, the brain must now Computational Mathematics. People who live in traffic control, insect behavior, brain surgery, marine biology, mass communication and politics - who do not "talk" to each other - have traditionally been gradually achieving"Synchronicity" and other emerging sciences. We are quick to go back to philosophy in the original sense, but this time with a mathematics degree.

Sometimes, synchronicity fascinating phenomena explained at the end is, in other cases there is no good explanation. Between these two extremes is the case of apparent synchronization of menstrual rhythms of women, living together or working. Experiments with students and roommates have confirmed what has for many years, only an esotericFaith: synchronize the end of menstrual rhythms of women in close contact. It is not exactly in calendar terms, but gradually close the day of menstrual period is statistically significant. In this case, pheromones seem to be the vehicles for communication.

Organizational Style

So we live in sync, sort of. If this is true, then it is natural for us to have built a life around organizational sync. I told you, we want to pack and races. Our managementLanguage is built around sync: Let's have a "common sense", a team player, be on the same page, alignment of individual and corporate goals, singing the same song, are organized, cohesive, etc. And what is wrong with that? Not much. It is certainly better than the alternative, and I can not think of any CEO preaching the opposite. But the question is, it is always good? Is there a limit? Is there an organizational focus on pathology of over-over-the cohesion and team spirit? These canbe politically incorrect questions, but remember my jogger? There is merit in some non-aligned, random jogging?

I would like to point out that, although sync organizational life intrinsic value, we can have it overdone. Why all project teams must be constructed in the same way to make progress in the same form and with the same frequency, even if they are two completely different things? Other than the convenience of managing a synchronized 'a rush --Organization ", which the credit, and more importantly, what the liability?

Teamocracy what I call current organizational life, is always the best examples and questions. Why is it that we have synchronized team life around an event called 'team meeting'? Since our meetings are social pheromones? Picture this sync that I'm sure you are familiar with. "The meeting happens quickly. Frenetic, we need an agenda, e-mails for the input, prepare forestPowerPoint, read important documents the night before in the plane. The meeting takes place, is the climax reached, notes are taken. Then relax, go home, back to the office, nothing happens really, activity is low, there is a gap, an organizational nap for a few weeks. Hey, when is the next meeting? In two weeks? Here we go again, here comes the agenda, we want the actions to back a highlight of the frenetic activity. Thereafter, the same story was drawing to the activity curve up to aasymptotic existence ...

We live an organizational (teamocratic) life in waves. I bet I can be a graphical representation of information flow and activities to draw in an organization (and I've got the tools of social network analysis!), The looks like an electrocardiogram, the peaks are the social pheromone of the "Meeting". There is tremendous waste in the above-sync of, say, the development of new products. If, in principle, what you want is a constant flow of information, knowledge, decisions and actions,The logical thing is to ban "meetings", the killing of de facto "social pheromone. Absurd? Okay, let's re-defining" meetings ". Of all the technical exchange of information, make decisions and disciplinary actions are pursued, may 90 % Set to be done online with collaborative tools that work 365 days a year., updates can be written again and again as a weblog. The project is the traffic directly, time limits for decisions to seek input, call people on the phone, if necessary . A highlyprofessional, scientific and technical team will communicate and work seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Forget e-mails, I speak of a rolling (web log) and an On-Demand Update on a collaboration tool. If this team ever taken? Say yes, but for different reasons: the main purpose of the meeting will, I dare socially. To start to learn to understand each other, different work styles, listen to company presentations, ask the boss to receive verbal communication on the strategy and progress;Practice brain to brain-via-mouth-to-ear cause tacit knowledge. There are no decisions at this meeting, which had not been made before, the people concerned with the relevant information.

The virtual meeting

A better way would be to declare that "the meeting" takes place all the time - that "the meeting" 24 hours a day. Who does what should be clearly defined who is making the decisions, should be familiar with what information, who is responsiblefor what is clearly defined. Occasionally you meet face to face, but the agenda does not contain any "operational" issues, because they have been treated. Scary: A few random joggers do their best, no waste, and occasionally a "package" called by the leader, but only when and with whom is required. Would executives sit down with a 24-hour joggers?

I invite you now to imagine a new, that other "social pheromone" in the organization, such as the annual budget cycle, the artificial and oftenDrivers interfering in business. Collect whole armies of managers and employees on a regular basis, such as migratory birds, ready to change the numbers to numbers, they prepare again and to change them again. The means is sometimes the end, it's exhaustion, as glorified strategic planning.

When my son would say, we can fix the problem? Yes we can. Budgeting is an annual plan, which suffers from over-sync syndrome. What's more than 365 days, other than an artificial cut-off special? It is a very long timeCycle, anyway. If you simulate mathematically a budget, use a so-called "pulse function", which means once a year to inject money into (the peak of pulse) and do not repeat the process until the next year. With such a long gap, all events and activities are grouped around the pulse. You start spending after the first pulse and to go to zero or approximately just before the next one. This is often forced to postpone all decisions, including strategic ones, until thenext financial year.

Imagine now that your budget is the cycle, say, 100 days. You will receive a "pulse function", all 100 days, instead of every 365th The risk of delaying decisions are now much lower, you're playing with relatively shorter cycles budget. People who have made this a much more agile organization that is more real, where resources and portfolio options are repeatedly made experiments to maximize cost savings. With the dissolution of the traditional sync (annual cycle) Manage YourUse resources more efficiently.

As far as I can see, and advocates agree that the only reason why we do not do so because of the traditional accounting and Wall Street demands. It would be too much effort, they say. But of course there is nothing to 100-day cycles to avoid, even if the accounts they have legions in the 365-days to translate. It's just one of those ideas that are just crazy enough without having seriously thought about it, to dismiss the benefits.


The crux of cycles over-Sync Project and artificial budget is that we have fixed ideas about organizational life, most artificial synchronization run, which mainly seem to suit management. Only the exercise of avoidance of sync and explore what organizational life want to synchronize with another, and a synchronous rhythms are looking for is revealing. Project management or product development, for example, could run "asynchronously", the very nature adaptedClass or life cycle of products. That makes more sense than the synchronized 'all projects, all samples or products meeting the ritual of a committee for the development. Of course it is more complex and demanding for top management. But the question is, what is more important? Senior management convenience or the life of a project? In my experience, the former winning in many organizations.

The broader context of the "rhythm" in the organizational life is worth at, too.Rhythms are a socio-biological phenomenon (as well as a physics-one) and are very much connected to rituals. Social anthropology has not been a dent in the world business organization, but we can learn a lot from it. Most of the organizational life phenomena such as the dynamics of power and authority, the establishment and protection of areas or rites of passage have more in common with tribal life more than any other conventional approach taught in the class of Organizational Behaviora business school. We have reason to believe that there is a "science of management" that can be learned or taught, but in reality this is not more than one field of applied psychology, social psychology, sociology and anthropology. Plug in some modern economy, and by that I mean the behavior and not as a traditional business, and you should be a good curriculum for an MBA has concluded. Emergent "sciences", as the synchronicity or networks, the traditional disciplines have a much greater future thanManagement vehicles for the modern business organization than the traditional areas of, say, operations management and the traditional human resources.

Good vibrations

A healthy organization must be reviewed at regular intervals to their rhythms and to assess how much sync it needs. Too much sync may look good as "orientation" and "good governance" but it may have more built in than you think of the inefficiency. A slightly asynchronous organization may be more difficult to manage or lead to, but itcould be more effective, allowing for various individual and team-rhythms. Over the years I have made a point of business organization that looks terribly well organized and focused suspicious if, say, the CEO of the objectives cascade down to look pristinely linked to the troops, and all goals and geometric. A typical example is when the boss put the goals in your own goals, and seen the critical success factors, while your team goals, which has aTranslation of you, and so on. The idea is that when speaking at a low level employees, we could track the target system again and again to the CEO. Great on paper. I've never seen that in practice, and I still have one person who seriously believes in the system to be found.

This may seem an extreme example of a overaligned or above-sync-organization, but there are other, less obvious examples out there. If a business organization behaves like an army, you have to question whether theHave selected people in the law profession.

Thanks To : ทำบุญวันเกิด sabrinacatli.blogspot.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Penis Enlargers - Which Really Work?

There are a lot of penis enlargement out there, and you should in any case, most of them skeptical. Let's look at common systems for the expansion and find out who have avoided, and actual earnings.

1. Pills for the enlargement.
This is a very, very popular method of promoting the alleged extension does not just dip a few pills a day. Unfortunately, there is little for the actual size of profits. There are some pills which provide temporary benefits to flow through induction of blood, butThis is of short duration and are not something to brag about. The bottom line is most of the pills are bunk beds, inexpensive manner not bring too much, and will get the promised results.

2. Penis enlarger - pumps, extenders and other devices.
There are a variety of devices out there, such as pumps and extenders, as well as some very strange-looking devices. The more serious pumps and fillers may have merit, as some of the men reported some gains, but there's usually a catch when itcomes contraptions: the safety factor. You must be very careful when using these devices. This is the reason most people live far away from them. The security risk is just too big. If you go with penis enlargement, such as pumps and extenders, make sure you be very careful and the acquisition of a robust model.

3. Penis enlargement exercise system.
If you opt for a system to a more than decent record, has delivered results, and is considered the safest form ofExtension technology, then systems will perform for you. This can be done on your own, with only their own two hands. No equipment is necessary. The only thing you need is a good program to follow, providing you with a routine that achieve the fastest results possible targets. So, if it works and is safe, then what is the catch? Well, it requires constant practice. Normally 3-5 days a week, and you should follow the system over several weeks to see results.

See Also : ทำบุญวันเกิด raymondywhites.blogspot.com

วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Maximize Your Scholarship Eligibility

You can be considered for other awards than you think. The secret is, "type" yourself. Find the maximum number of scholarship opportunities to think about who you are and what you do.

College Major / Field of Interest

If you are in school, you start with your major or academic area. Clinics and schools, as well as academic and professional organizations offer scholarships to students based on their majors. High school students can look back awards in disciplines inwhich they subscribe, or taking into account that they're studying in the university.

If you're a double major, check in the two majors to make sure that you are not missing something. And people should not be too specific. For example, if you are an English major, one can be listed for grants under "English", "Literature" or "literature" as well as other categories such as "humanities." If you are in the physical sciences, select the "Physics" and "science".

And do not forget what youand becoming. Whether you want a lawyer, doctor, journalist or teacher, you can price to you to continue the career of your dreams, regardless of your major.

State Of Residence / State of Study

Part of who you are, where you live. Many state governments offer financial support for in-state students. Easy on residence, even in the first year of school, you may qualify for one of these awards. Check with two home state and the stateIf you attend college.

Private organizations also offer state scholarships that reward academic merit and special school services. Some scholarships are also for residents of certain counties or cities.

Student Affiliations

Also think about what you enjoy doing. Start with clubs and organizations. As a member or officer, you will qualify for awards, sponsored by your club.

Do not stop there. What are your hobbies? Havetrained in any special skills or sports? Do you attend religious services? Have you worked a part-time job? All these activities are part of your "type" and can lead to scholarships.

Ethnic Background

Awards are given to students of certain ethnic or minority groups. For most of these awards, you don't have to be a full-blooded member of a particular ethnic group. If your parents are from different ethnic groups, look for awards for each group. Also look for scholarships Audience students from major ethnic categories as "Asian" or "Hispanic."


A large number of students may find that prices are available, because they are physically required, learning disabilities or suffer from long-term illness. Based on the scholarships according to your specific disability or illness are listed, as well as overall awards for students with disabilities.

International students

If you are a citizen of a country other than theUnited States, that a part of your "type" as well. You'll find that some awards are restricted to students from certain countries, but rather are aimed at international students in general. Look for awards for both categories.

To find the key that grants it is to think broadly about. What is your personal directory and try to find out how many "types" fit. FastWeb profile page is a good place to come with additional ideas because the categories and attributes are shown bound toScholarships. Keeping an up-to-date and detailed profile will also ensure that you are informed about when you qualify for scholarships FastWeb adds. Be True To Your "Type" and you can find out which scholarships you need.

My Links : ทำบุญวันเกิด sabrinacatli.blogspot.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

First Merit Bank - Find Out the Truth About First Merit

Erste Bank credit is a highly respected bank in northeastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania, and while they may not be the first name that comes to mind when one of the best banks, they are definitely one of the better in these regions .

You have more than one hundred and sixty years of experience, so do not make you concerned about this factor. I really had not much faith rather than experience, because most banks across the country for somea long time, it's just something that you want to put in the back.

What does a financial sacrifice, as in most banks today merit of personal and business banking, online banking (again) for each department, loans, mortgages, credit cards, and investment advice as well. Really all you need financial assistance, they can fulfill.

This is very important to find the right bank to go to, because there is no reason to spread thisabout three or four companies, which can be quite confusing. Assuming you're with a company happy, why not take care of everything in one spot?

You've probably heard a lot about the personal loan that offers first merit bank, and important for a reason. They offer nearly every type of loan you want. While most banks restrict themselves to offer home loans, FirstMerit Bank car loans, mortgages and student loans, which cover just about every area youwill need.

Another thing is that First Merit is famous for its checking accounts, and here is why. First you get activity Rewards points, which means that every time you buy a deposit or withdrawal from your account, and anything with a debit card from the first merit, you get five cents credited to your account.

Sounds like nothing, right? Think about how many transactions, payments and purchases you have in the past month. This money canreally add up in a hurry. Now spread this over the years, and then really have something going on.

You will also receive checks for free as long as you have your account, obviously a nice feature and offer that to a few banks. You can also pay other banks ATMs without a cent to use, something that not too many banks. Although some of the important properties, the first merit bank offers, they are far from thesingle.

Related : ทำบุญวันเกิด matthewafulmer.blogspot.com

วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

India Needs A President Like Us President

Is it time for India to switch over to Presidential form of government??
India requires political leader ship with a vision that looks beyond caste, communal and regional politics.
Indian political leadership need to focus on good governance that leverage the skills of its people and resources.

Endowed with massive human resource talent as well as enormous natural resources, India could have achieved much more than what it has achieved so far. But unfortunately, India is a Land of contradictions. India has nuclear weapons, warships, big army, a large IT talent and skilled labor force, but India is also room for millions and millions of people who have no access to clean drinking water, adequate health care, adequate housing and social security. India continued when the equality is far away on the basis of merit. In the field of Human Development Index India is still a lot to catch up. India with a billion + population is not even apermanent member of the Security Council, which speaks from the failure of the governance system.

One of the factors responsible for the underdevelopment despite the immense human and natural resources has been decided to administer the system that the country after independence, in which members of the European Parliament election of prime minister in the cabinet head.
The political parties in India are always busy to protect or hijacking the vote banks, little concerned with good governance. Hold on to power is the key toConcerns of political parties rather than good governance and improving the lot of the people great. The system has been damaged so much that only a few competent people enter the political arena.
Lately, things have deteriorated a lot with the coalition governments are the order of the day. The political pressures to remain in power or gain too much power to political parties in elections, unholy alliances, wobbly. Governance has been given a go bye.
ParliamentaryDemocracy does not guarantee to fruits of the population and the poor governance in the following situations resulted
1. Regional policy: India has more at regional level divided today. There are many parties to stir up feelings of regional and vociferously for the further division of the country in ever more countries. The ulterior motive of the regional forces are gaining power. For them, the states are still divided important than improving the living conditions of people. Due to politicalAppropriateness, including the major parties commit to back with regional parties to power in the middle, or do not meet in the States but their ideals.
2. Caste politics: Most of the political parties by the caste card to survive in the selection of candidates for the elections and the appointment of successful candidates of the ministries on the basis of their caste affiliation than any other value. To become a caste is a limit factor in India and the political parties areforced to keep the caste primacy in governance there by making the quality of governance.
3. Politics: Political parties are in work in time for the profit-establish the confidence of the minority. They feel that the game is against the religious card and get a lot easier than looking to earn votes. Since they are regular bank reconciliations of all parties to play the religious card.
4. The conflicting interests of political parties, parliamentary procedure often marand the time is wasted in the end less debate, boycotts, strikes or any question on each.

By switching to presidential form of government the people will not know before hand, in whose hands their fate is safe and may vote on the basis of the merit of the presidential candidates.
With the executive branch in his hand, a suitable and competent person to focus on good governance and to solve the problems of people with a vision of a non-partisan politics plays sword of Damocles "impairedover his head. Can with a proper vision of what a president right direction to provide governance, with regard to caste, regional, religious consideration. Presidential candidates may seek votes on the strength of its poles promises and merit. Parliament is to act as a watchdog and effectively control the abuse of power and ensure good governance. Such a form of governance is freely against the ruling establishment, from its focus on the survival in power and can give the person chosen to ensure goodGovernance. Presidential government gives the choice to choose the president, his cabinet on merit instead of regional, caste or religious basis.
Presidential form of government is well suited for a large country like India and with the right vision of the President of India may soon drive into the society of nations, claiming its rightful place.
How clever elected governors in the states, the State will also promote better governance of charge.
, That the Union and the states canProsperity with the right climate and the right policies, which are the need of the hour. Effective governance system to improve the delivery of aid to the needy and public expenditures more accountable.
Only when India offers affordable health, clean drinking water and must be adequate protection of his many millions and attacks the problem of unemployment effectively it qualifies for the right place in the community of nations and to achieve this, India, to a system of governance Switch ,Bridge across the divide within the caste, communal, regional basis and give the population a feeling of a ness and to improve the lot of the common man.
A serious debate about the necessity of the issue to start. Instead is the balm for a person who suffers daily is not it better to treat the disease, cures the symptoms of the disease. With the right governance may force India to realize fully the use of human resources and natural resource potential and take their rightful place in the community ofNations.

Recommend : ทำบุญวันเกิด meaganafranklin.blogspot.com shepscal.blogspot.com phyllisscrai.blogspot.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Why You Need Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella Insurance is the one preferred by many persons in the current periods. This is because of the fact that the Umbrella Insurance provides a discount covering more policies that are already taken.

Yeah... This is true, In this famous auto insurance policy, if one has already taken an auto policy of thirty thousand dollars and a home owner policy of seventy thousand dollars, the merit of Umbrella Insurance policy in this is amazing.

Yes. This bears the limit of one lakh and thirty thousand dollars in connection with car and also a lakh and seventy thousand dollars in connection with a homeowner policy.

Added protection from liability and the limits of the umbrella insurance provides against the house, personal watercraft insurance.

Umbrella insurance is a means to protect your hard-earned wealth and the chief merit is that there is a reporting of those who do not see the fall of the ordinaryPolicy that you already have.

In fact, this type of policy covers the unnatural events that you can damage the highly valued assets.

The principal merit of this kind of umbrella insurance is that without the addition in relation to the cost of the policy, it provides an additional liability and hence receive the insured, very satisfied whenever there are situations which warrant that the use of this policy.

You may, at the need for additional protection for theMaterials with you that are acquired over time. For so many companies like Safeco umbrella liability insurance can help.

The fact that the umbrella insurance covers not only you but also your spouse and family members. It does not matter that they live somewhere in the world. The legal protection fees are paid in this kind of reputable umbrella insurance.

Related : merits birthday shannonscarl.blogspot.com ridgescheryl.blogspot.com