วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Reputation - A Mirage Or a Ball and Chain

"The reputation is lost in idle and most false imposition; often stood without merit and without earned." - William Shakespeare

Personal reputation is an extension of the ego and as such caused more misery than the plague. It has ruined the life has forced people to live in disgrace and was recognized as a very effective weapon against the poor souls who do not have the resources to use for themselves.

Our reputation is of the opinion that others of us have and make iteven worse is that opinion focused almost exclusively on emotions and feelings, if not the result of appearance, dress code or tone. Reputation have very little to do with reality and much to do with imagination.

If this is the case, as we are concerned about our reputation? The answer is as little as possible. That's not to say that we should sit or do something voluntarily, which could be a bad light on us project. On the other hand, if wewant to go anywhere in life, we simply have to develop a thick skin to what is right and hope for the best.

Attacking a reputation is easy to do. It can be done by allusions, half-truth or simply lies. No one is immune to this, especially people who are in the public eye. There are people, and there are plenty of them who just love scandal or condemn someone standing over the crowd.

It is human nature, and there is very little we can dochange. It is said that "Intelligent people talk about ideas. Average people talk about things. Small people talk about other people." Unfortunately, there is much truth in this statement.

On the other hand, we can take solace in the thought that the majority of people are kind and thoughtful and the fact that we not overlook the many positive mention the negative few. Those who really count are smart enough and intelligent enough to come with their own conclusions andThese are not based on hearsay.

A person who has the reputation of not much more than a mirage created by the imagination. It has very little to do with reality and has more to do with the psyche of the owner than with the life of the subject. People see us as they are, and not, as we are. We are a little more than a mirror to look into the others.

Unfortunately, for many, the fear of their reputation tarnished a ball and chain, that prevent them from reaching out andexpress themselves. They are afraid of the consequences of that failure might have on their reputation.

If you are among the unfortunates who are overly sensitive to your reputation, this is a wake up call. You need to wake up to the fact that nice people have nice comments from you and that bad people are bad opinion of you, and that there is very little that you can do about that.

Hide in the closet does not help. We have no choice but to accept the world asas it is ... But we have a choice would have to decide whether we are afraid to let our reputation too easily bruised preventing us that what we think we have, right.

All great men and women in history had opponents and critics. That is the price to rise by anyone, and will be counted, must be paid. When all is said and done, but paid a much lower price than if they do not chase our dreams because we are of what someone can say they are afraid to payor think.

See Also : ทำบุญวันเกิด piercecorvin.blogspot.com davidlzamora.blogspot.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Elements of Communication and the Importance of Communication to Customer Service

Communication ... We use it every day, in every interaction. In fact, we are communicating, even if we do not consciously interact with anyone. Effective communication is the key to our success in building relationships (personal and professional), our ability to develop and carry out maintenance team dynamics, and customers. Communication is a skill that we develop and improve strategies, the willingness and practice. In this article we will review and expand on the three componentsThat make up our communication message.


Words are:
What we say
7% of face-to-face message and 18% of our message over the phone
Neutral - we attach importance (positive or negative triggered) based on our experiences and emotions

They are the least important of the three in terms of our overall message, but words we still use a contribution to our message effectiveness.

Trigger Words
These are words that have a negative meaning, may be placed in contact with them. Use of trigger words can affect required by the trust in effective communication, or could potentially difficult situation into an explosive situation again (as opposed to win-win). Examples of trigger words must, must not do, not, not my job, I'm sorry, politics, no, I can not help, you're wrong, it's not my fault. Instead, choose positive words that give the recipient the feeling that itOptions - a "what I can do" attitude.

Jargon / Technical
Jargon and technical terms may be meaningless to the recipient, leading to misunderstandings. Often, a recipient is unable to establish that he / she does not know the meaning, but the interaction may leave feeling "dumb". Examples of jargon, acronyms may contain terms in your region, program names, job titles, etc.Recognize if the person you speak with your jargon to understand before you want to use it. If you are not sure yetto the jargon, you need to be immediately defined in simple terms (never ask the customer "you know what that means?").

You vs. I
With the word "you" can make a person feel guilt or blame. This is especially true in situations of conflict, complaints, or constructive feedback. Example: You have to ..."," you must ...", you ...", etc.). Use assertive-responsive communication, and begin with "I", please explain your assessment of the situation. From here off,Gain confidence and you can ask the recipients of their sight. For example: "What I hear you say is ..."," I've noticed that you are speaking to your peer, if a customer waiting for service ..."," I understand that ...", etc.

Strategies to their effectiveness:
Do you have to repeat yourself, or different approaches to try to convey your message? Consider whether the reason that your words.
If you jargon, use the next sentence surely needed is a brief explanation of what in the jargonmeans in relation to "lay".
Select "positive", here is what I mean by "so I can.
Avoid using "but".

If you explain why a policy needs to be explained, in fact, not why it established with regard to the value from the customer's perspective - security, they are safe a place in the program are on the registry, if you provide your thoughts, ideas man, try "and" instead of "but". The latter gives the impression that your idea holds more merit, the use of "and" you canthe idea a step further. "I want to help you, but ..." can: "I want to help and to be changed here, what can I do ..."
Find ways to increase, to your vocabulary, so you always have a large bank of words in your head, ready to pull from.
Use clear and simple - Avoid too many descriptors, long words or redundant adjectives.
Use a professional to avoid - to slang like "yah, huh, nee".
Therefore, even if only make up 7% of your message, you should still ensure thatis effective and contributes to a positive image.

Use positive words and trigger words?
What are the words that you use to contribute to or affect your overall message?
How can you change your message?
Be simple, clear, accurate and professional?


What it is:
The linguistic expression of our words (expresses feelings or emotions).
38% of our face-to-face message and 72% of ourMessage over the phone (the combination of words, voice and body language contribute to our overall communication).

In face-to-face communication, it makes a significant proportion of our embassy in telephone communication, it forms the largest part of the communication is received as our message. Tone can be misunderstood and takes awareness and practice improved.

Pace - as spoken many words per minute.Match the pace of the recipient.
Pitch - how high or low the voice sounds.
If you are obviously set very high, try to relax and absorb your voice to deepen your place there. There will be some high-pitched voices as irritable or anxious interpreted.
Volume - how loud or soft sounds of the voice.
Start low, so you can say words or phrases, without screaming, to guarantee that you will always hear (get angry when theBeneficiaries must speak to you).
Quirk - a striking phrase, a word or term that distracts the listener (eg uumh, ah, you know, uh, etc.
Harder to see, personally, because it) is a mannerism (unconscious habit. Ask for feedback on features you can use and actively work to remove them.
Inflection - highlighted words or syllables, to improve the sense.
Find a common phrase that you could use and to determine practice inflecting other words, before someone, like theMessage design changes.

Strategies to your awareness & EFFECTIVENESS:
Simply by thinking about your voice you always, your awareness of it (turning the unconscious into conscious).
Take yourself and hear your voice.
Ask for feedback.
Be aware of what kind of responses you received.
Smile - it will change your attitude and your voice (you're welcome to hear).
Stand or sit tall and erect, so that your diaphragm Projectsfull volume of air.
Avoid using a telephone handpiece rests between ear and shoulder - this will change, your tone.

ARE YOU know how you express your words, or what IMPACT MESSAGE Give? How do you want to change your message?
Be open to feedback from others.


What it is:
A non-verbal expression of our feelings, thoughts, or attitudes (consciously or unconsciously).
55% of our face-to-faceMessage (ie, 7% of communication comes from the words) 38% of our voice and the rest of our body language.

Since 55% of our face-to-face communication is interpreted through body language, the ability may be present and aware of the gestures of us in ensuring the signal that we support is:

Received and implemented.
Interpreted accurately by the recipient (s).
To match the words and the tone of voice we use. If there is aImbalance leads to confusion and frustration - that is, you say positive words in a friendly tone, but you stand with your arms cross, turned her hips and tap your foot (send a message, closed), or use aggressive words in a sarcastic tone and a smile.

Body language can be closed, turn the receiver back into open body language, to support a negative situation into a positive (the concept of reflection - you hope that through the use of open gesturesRecipient will be unconsciously begin to change, or their as well).
Are constantly changing, if we (by reading the receiver's body language) lack of openness, understanding, trust, meaning, etc.

Examples of Closed Body Language:
Frowned, eyebrows rose, "angry eyes".
Crossing your legs, fold your arms, rotate your body away from your receiver.
Hands crossed in front of you, hands on hips with hip.
Slate or away from theRecipients.

Examples of Open Body Language:
Arms relaxed and at your side, or to express (positive).
) Given the quadratic receiver (shoulders and hips forward.
Leaning into your receiver.
Smiling, expressive eyes. "

These examples barely scratch the surface of the many possible gestures. To start, you will think about your body language. Attention: Body language must be considered in context. May his example, a personMeeting with the arms and legs crossed, because it is cold or identify comfortable - when she smiles, when the eyes are involved, when the shoulders look relaxed or tense, etc., before you judge their message as closed.

Strategies to get your attention:
Simply by thinking about your own body language that you always, your awareness of it (turning the unconscious into conscious).
Use a mirror.
Ask for feedback.
Pay attention to the kind of answers you arepreserved.

Become aware of what your body is communicating to others, the impact or message you send? How can you change your message?
Become aware of what others communicate with you through their body language.

Visit : ทำบุญวันเกิด porterconnor.blogspot.com quentincolle.blogspot.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

High Performance Team Assessment - 6 Emotionally Intelligent Questions To Ask

Work is now often done in teams. They want to create a strong team in the first 90 days. Emotionally intelligent and socially intelligent leaders assess the team members, by any person of major importance. Everyone needs to know quickly and honestly about where they stand on the mission and goals of the team and the organization.

In my executive coaching to leaders, I help them formulate ask the right questions to team members. It needs a lotinterpersonal skills to formulate and ask questions that give a comprehensive assessment of the team members and the team.

Can you questions a leader in your company, law firm or accounting firm may think of an existing team to be judged?

Get ready for a formal meeting with each personally available by the audit staff history, performance data and other ratings. During the meeting, ask probing questions. Michael Watkins, in his excellent book "The First 90Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels suggests the following for a comprehensive assessment:

6 probing questions

1. What do you think of our existing strategy?

2. What are the biggest challenges that we in the near future? In the long run?

3. What are the biggest opportunities that we provide?

4. What resources could we use more efficiently?

5. How can we improve the way the team works together?

6. If youIn my position, to what you would like to respect?

Discloses Be on the lookout for nonverbal cues. While the actual words of a person who deserves a lot of body language, as well as what a person fails and the manner in which he reported:

• What does he / they do not say?

• Has he / she volunteer information or wait until he / she is asked?

• Is the person showing only weak or strong points?

• Is the team member the blameor assume responsibility for certain things?

• Is the person to apologize?

• How does his body language with his words:

• What issues generate a lot of energy?

• What is this person out of session, if he / she interacts on an informal basis with others?

• Has he / she is usually friendly, polite, curious, competitive, judgmental or reserved?

Working with an experienced executive coach trained in emotional intelligenceand the inclusion of leadership assessments such as the Baron EQ-i and CPI-260 can help you a happy and inspiring team leader. You can have a leader who models emotional intelligence and social intelligence, and who inspires people involved happy with the strategy and vision of the company.

Friends Link : ทำบุญวันเกิด redsclint.blogspot.com bettywsimpson.blogspot.com slybrooke.blogspot.com

วันอังคารที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Exam Guidance From a PSAT Tutor

Psat teacher has the tutors who will help you crack the Preliminary Scholastic Achievement Test. It is funded by the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Authority and the university. Psat has developed a standardized test to assess the ability of students and to do in school. It is held once a year in the month of October for students who are in the last year of high school. The test consists of five sections, two tests for testing verbal reasoning skills,two tests for testing mathematical skills and a test for the testing of writing skills. The time is already defined for each test means fifty minutes to answer the oral questions and questions of mathematics, and thirty minutes for the written part.

The Psat SA and helps with college admissions, because the outcome of this test is used to determine entitlement to the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. If you are on the registration process for this test and knowPsat described other details about the program, the information from the High School Offices. You will also find all the information available is a student magazine, which has the full practice test including test taking tips and rules. This test can bring millions of dollars as a scholarship to study at your university. For the preparation of these tests, Sat and Psat Tutor can help you to crack on the specimen. If you are on a good college or university, then it is necessary, the candidateClear the SA tests. For this you need to work hard to crack some additional preparation for the test.

Preparation for admission to a university can be a difficult task if you do not run the right way through the Psat Tutor and follow your own criteria and strategies for this test. If you are in the final year of your high school or have gone past the Psat test is the crucial aspect in their minds. Nevertheless, the clearing and SA Psat test is the only thing in her headoutshine. The parents of the students also have their child in every way possible to the tests in Excel Help. Parent's genuine interest will help them, a good career and future. Sat tutor NYC you can certainly help out in the tests by having surpassed by the procedures in the following tests. Together with the help of the teacher, the student must also work hard on their studies and also by more research.

You must understand that every student has differentCapacity to grasp things. Every child can not brilliant and talented enough to the exams. Parents must also not her child for the clearing of checks by hard decision for her strength. There may be leaving some negative consequences for them. Psat Tutor study materials prepared in a way that students have with the entire investigation process and thus as a result, they very well in the examinations. It is yours for the child in the Psat tests because it can help, importantThey know the capabilities of your child. If the child is something missing, then Psat Tutor will definitely help him out. For a child in the Excel tests, parents also need a good tutor who can help their child, coming with excellent skills.

Thanks To : ทำบุญวันเกิด shannonscarl.blogspot.com olentroberts.blogspot.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Healthy Meal Plans - How to Choose the Right One

Can healthy eating will help you to lose pounds? Of course! Thinning is especially diet and a little practice, especially if you fall too much weight. For this reason, choosing the right diet is important. Food can be very different, proposed by the amount of calories, the types of food. How can the right meal for you, without trying to name them all? You have to consider, how to make any special diet, your weight works and also to advertise, how and what it.

WhyYou have to see how or what promotes a diet? It is simply good nutrition can work on its own merits to stand and must be hyped anymore. In contrast, bad diets need to be super hyped, so you get excited when we believe the hype, you will not buy anything. So, avoid hype of promising products to help you unrealistic results. In general, you should be able to consistently lose 2-5 pounds per week if you lose too much weight, the first week or two you couldlose 10 pounds. But everything you have produced promising results is also often unrealistic. Also, look at the pictures of those who lost weight, the diet. Is it a bodybuilder with a well-defined muscles, or a model like girls that says such and such a diet with foods you might just like they look like? Again, this is a case of unrealistic expectations, especially for boys.

Mind set is very important when it comes to sticking with your chosen dishes. Picking a diet that promises realisticResult means that you will not be disappointed, can keep the motivation and focus and continue with your diet, ultimately losing the extra weight.

See Also : ทำบุญวันเกิด sonnybrett.blogspot.com juanitatbarbosa.blogspot.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 7 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Merit Elliptical Trainer For Quality Cardiovascular Workout

The growing popularity of elliptical machines indicates that more and more people are looking to a healthier lifestyle. However, not everyone can afford or have time to go to the gym or gyms. This led to the production of elliptical trainers, the quality does not impact cardiovascular workout at home. The Merit Elliptical Trainer is the answer to the quality and cost concerns of people who enjoy a good cardio-vascular workout preserved.

The> Merit Elliptical Trainer is the best elliptical the excellent quality of training for the upper and lower body can provide. It will be manufactured by Johnson Health Tech, one of the largest fitness equipment manufacturer in the world. Thus, the machine design and technology are superior and reliable. The Merit Elliptical Trainer is designed to cardiovascular health, enhance translated into improved overall endurance and strength. A healthier you can achieve even when yourown four walls.

Merit Fitness is part of Johnson Health Tech, assures that users can obtain it without a full cardiovascular workout with the Merit Elliptical Trainer too much pressure on the joints. It offers grip lever, connected to pedals for the simultaneous training of the arms and legs. It allows the user to simulate, walking, running, cycling and expansion, not on their feet, knees, back and hip experience. It also has a weight of up to275 pounds.

Users of Merit Elliptical Trainer homogeneous performance of the machine. The design includes a computer with an LCD panel to monitor length of time, distance, speed and calories burned to keep. Plus, it has a thumb pulse EKG monitor. So easy to use, it is sturdy and durable Merit. Fitness ensures that their elliptical machine goes through thorough testing and quality control.

The characteristics of Merit Elliptical Trainer also the possibilitybe able to select the difficulty level of training. It is therefore compatible with all age groups have different fitness needs. In addition, the machine is safe to use to listen while watching TV, reading a magazine or just music in the confines and privacy of your own home.

My Links : ทำบุญวันเกิด olentroberts.blogspot.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Special Meaning of a Yellow Rose

The importance of a yellow rose means strong feelings of pure joy, joy, happiness and platonic friendship, in the Germanic countries within the meaning of yellow roses aa different - they are used to convey jealousy.

Friendship is the essential meaning of the yellow rose, but it also means known to love and domestic happiness. Yellow roses also symbolize fun and freedom.

Today, the yellow rose is used to embrace a new beginning, apologize or express sympathy and say, "RememberMe, "" I'm sorry, "or" I care. "Yellow roses are for the beginning of a new life together or appropriate for starting all over again.

The Language of Flowers

The language of flowers, sometimes floriography a Victorian time method of communication was. Floriograpghy in which various flowers and floral arrangements were used to send encrypted messages that can bring people, the feelings that are not mentioned elsewhere, expressed. The significance of the color of the flowersindicated most frequently by Tussie Mussie) (flower arrangements, a creative art form that continues to this day.

Although popular in the Victorian period, date of the symbolic use of flowers back to ancient times. In medieval and Renaissance culture flowers were often given moral significance. This is most apparent in the art in which saints are often depicted with flowers, symbolic of their virtues. Liana DeGirolami Cheney notes that "some of the Christian symbols of virginity and chastityThe white rose, the myrtle, a vessel or vase, the lily, and the Unicorn "

The Color Meaning of Roses

Different color roses symbolize different things and the importance of the different color roses show here:

Red: love, used to say: "I love you", but also stands for courage and respect.

Red & White Together or White Roses with Red Edges signify unity and togetherness.

Pink: symbolizes grace and elegance. Also symbolizes gentle feelings of loveand friendship.

Dark Pink: gratitude and appreciation.

Light Pink: admiration, sympathy

White: innocence, purity, secrecy, friendship, respect and humility.

Yellow: Often akin to joy and deep friendship or platonic love. In the German-speaking countries, but they can lead to jealousy and infidelity.

Yellow with red tips: Symbolizes a gesture of falling in love.

Orange or Coral symbolizes enthusiasm and desire

Burgundy: Beauty


Green: Calm

Black: used to signify death (black is the color of death) often of old habits. In a positive light, it means the rebirth after death. Also slavish devotion (as a true black rose) produce impossible.

Purple: protection (paternal / maternal love)

Rose Types convey meanings Too

Rose (thornless) - Love at first sight

Rose (single, full bloom) - I love you, I love you still

Rose bud - Beauty and youth, a heart innocentlove

Rose bud (red) - Pure and beautiful

Rosebud (white) - Girlhood

Rosebud (MOSS) - Confessions of love

Roses (bouquet of full bloom) - Gratitude

Roses (garland or crown of) - Beware of virtue, merit pay, crown, symbol of superior merit

Roses (musk cluster) - Charming

Rose (tea) - I'll always remember

Rose (cabbage) - Ambassador of love

Rose (Christmas) - Tranquilize my anxiety or fear

Rose (damask) --Brilliant Complexion

Rose (Dark Crimson) - Grief

Rose (hibiscus) - delicate beauty

Rosenblatt - can hope to

My Links : ทำบุญวันเกิด sebasstiansa.blogspot.com raymondywhites.blogspot.com tomasibrowns.blogspot.com