วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Reputation - A Mirage Or a Ball and Chain

"The reputation is lost in idle and most false imposition; often stood without merit and without earned." - William Shakespeare

Personal reputation is an extension of the ego and as such caused more misery than the plague. It has ruined the life has forced people to live in disgrace and was recognized as a very effective weapon against the poor souls who do not have the resources to use for themselves.

Our reputation is of the opinion that others of us have and make iteven worse is that opinion focused almost exclusively on emotions and feelings, if not the result of appearance, dress code or tone. Reputation have very little to do with reality and much to do with imagination.

If this is the case, as we are concerned about our reputation? The answer is as little as possible. That's not to say that we should sit or do something voluntarily, which could be a bad light on us project. On the other hand, if wewant to go anywhere in life, we simply have to develop a thick skin to what is right and hope for the best.

Attacking a reputation is easy to do. It can be done by allusions, half-truth or simply lies. No one is immune to this, especially people who are in the public eye. There are people, and there are plenty of them who just love scandal or condemn someone standing over the crowd.

It is human nature, and there is very little we can dochange. It is said that "Intelligent people talk about ideas. Average people talk about things. Small people talk about other people." Unfortunately, there is much truth in this statement.

On the other hand, we can take solace in the thought that the majority of people are kind and thoughtful and the fact that we not overlook the many positive mention the negative few. Those who really count are smart enough and intelligent enough to come with their own conclusions andThese are not based on hearsay.

A person who has the reputation of not much more than a mirage created by the imagination. It has very little to do with reality and has more to do with the psyche of the owner than with the life of the subject. People see us as they are, and not, as we are. We are a little more than a mirror to look into the others.

Unfortunately, for many, the fear of their reputation tarnished a ball and chain, that prevent them from reaching out andexpress themselves. They are afraid of the consequences of that failure might have on their reputation.

If you are among the unfortunates who are overly sensitive to your reputation, this is a wake up call. You need to wake up to the fact that nice people have nice comments from you and that bad people are bad opinion of you, and that there is very little that you can do about that.

Hide in the closet does not help. We have no choice but to accept the world asas it is ... But we have a choice would have to decide whether we are afraid to let our reputation too easily bruised preventing us that what we think we have, right.

All great men and women in history had opponents and critics. That is the price to rise by anyone, and will be counted, must be paid. When all is said and done, but paid a much lower price than if they do not chase our dreams because we are of what someone can say they are afraid to payor think.

See Also : ทำบุญวันเกิด piercecorvin.blogspot.com davidlzamora.blogspot.com

